Jewelry Loans

Extra Cash When You Need It Fast

If you need extra cash for a planned or unexpected expense, getting the money you need may be easier than you think. At The Gold ATM you can get a loan secured by your jewelry.

  • Gold Jewelry Loans

  • Diamond Loans

  • Loans on Fine Watches

  • Rolex Equity Loans

When you own luxury items, you possess an asset that can be converted into immediate funds. We are trusted professionals who understand the worth of your valuables and take the time to provide you with a detailed assessment of your most prized possessions.

Whether you choose to borrow against the value of your items or you choose to sell your items, our expert team is here to service you. We offer industry-leading loan values at highly competitive rates.

Rates Start As Low As 5%

Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is available to offer a secured loan against fine jewelry, diamonds, luxury watches and designer handbags. We will assess all your items in either of our safe and secure high-rise office settings.

We pride ourselves on creating a relaxed and professional atmosphere. We do this by including our customers in the evaluation process and giving them detailed insight into any piece they present to us. Our offers will be made to you immediately. You are under no obligation to accept our offer, and we do not charge a fee for you to meet with us.

What do I need to bring with me?

A valid driver’s license, state ID or U.S. passport

  • The item(s) you would like to borrow against

  • Any accessories that may pertain to your item

How does it work?

  • Bring your jewelry, watch, or designer bag to either of our safe an secure locations

  • Meet with one of our knowledgeable appraisers to have your item(s) evaluated and receive an offer on-the-spot.

  • Accept the offer, sign the paperwork, and get CASH in your pocket in minutes.

  • Pay back your loan by the due date OR extend your loan for an additional 30 days. Once your loan has been paid off, we will return your item. It’s that simple!

Call us now to schedule a confidential meeting with one of our trusted jewelry buyers in our safe offices. Walk-in’s are welcome.

Get a Risk Free No Obligation Quote Now!

Not sure you want to part with your jewelry?

We also offer jewelry loans for those who need cash fast but don’t want to sell their valuables.  

For more information on loans and our free appraisal check out our loans page or give us a call now!

Please bring a driver’s license with you for identification.  The offer will be paid immediately if you decide to accept.  You are under no obligation, if you decide you do not want to sell.